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Rights of Islam

In the book At-targheeb wat-Tarheeb of Imam Asfahaani, a hadith of Hazrat Ali radhiyallahu anhuis narrated wherein the following general rights to be observe mutually among all Muslims are enlisted:
  • Forgive the mistakes of another Muslim.
  • Show sympathy over his grief.
  • Hide his faults.
  • Accept his excuse.
  • Remove his difficulty.
  • Always wish for his well-being.
  • Safeguard his love.
  • Have respect for his pacts.
  • Visit him when he is ill.
  • Attend his funeral.
  • Accept his invitation.
  • Accept his gifts.
  • Repay his kindness.
  • Thank him for his favours.
  • Help him at the time of need.
  • Protect his wife and children.
  • Fulfill his needs.
  • Listen to his requests.
  • Accept his intercession.
  • Do not make him despondent in his ambitions.
  • Say Yarhamukallah upon hearing him say Al-Hamdu-lillah after sneezing.
  • Return his lost property.
  • Reply his greeting (Salaam).
  • Speak to him kindly and courteously.
  • Treat him kindly.
  • If one Muslim takes an oath on the strength of the other, it should be honoured by the other.
  • Help him when he is oppressed, and stop him when he oppresses others.
  • Be his friend, not his enemy.
  • Do not disgrace him.
  • Love for him what you love for yourself.
  • Greet him (with salaam) when meeting, and, better still, shake his hands.
  • Never break off ties for more than three days if an argument arises.
  • Do not be suspicious of him.
  • Do not be jealous of him nor bear enmity towards him.
  • Where possible observe amar bil ma�roof and nahi anil munkar (to command good and prohibit evil) towards the next Muslim.
  • Have mercy on the little ones and respect the elders.
  • Create peace between two Muslims whom have had an argument.
  • Do not backbite another Muslim.
  • Do not cause harm to his body, wealth or honour.
  • Help him mount his animal or load his goods on to it when he is unable to do so.
  • Do not ask him to leave and then take his place.
  • Two people should not speak in whispers while a third is in their presence.
Source: Darul Uloom al-Islamiyya

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